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Quick Quiz: Ancient India

You can practice what you have learned about Ancient India here. You can click the buttons to view solutions.

  1. What major mountain ranges does northeast India include?

    The Himalayas and the Hindu Kush are in northeast India.

  2. What were the two major rivers in ancient India that still exist?

    The Ganges and Indus Rivers were the two most important rivers to Ancient India.

  3. What is the most common religion in India today?

    Hinduism is the most common religion in India today.

  4. What was Buddha's original name?

    Buddha was originally Prince Siddhartha Gautama.

  5. What inspired the caste system?

    The Aryans/Vedic people created varnas, which were an ideal set of social classes. This inspired the caste system.

  6. What name did the British gave the Dalits in the Indian caste system?

    When the British controlled India, they called Dalits "Untouchables". Today, this term is considered offensive. In 1949, the caste system was abolished.

  7. Who began the Mauryan Empire?

    Chandragupta Maurya began the Mauryan Empire after he overthrew the Nandan people.

  8. What religion did Ashoka convert to?

    Ashoka converted to Buddhism because of the suffering and destruction he witnessed.

  9. What were the stone pillars that Ashoka's workers carved stories and laws on called?

    These stone pillars were called "edicts", and they help historians understand more about Ashoka's reign.

  10. What was the official religion of the Gupta Empire?

    The religion of the Gupta Empire was Hinduism, but people could choose their own religion.

  11. Which Gupta converted the Gupta Dynasty to an empire?

    Through conquest, Samudra Gupta expanded the dynasty and it became an empire.

  12. What were some of the specific mathematical accomplishments made under the Gupta Empire?

    Mathematicians created the decimal system, which revolutionised the writing of numbers. They also introduced the concept of zero.